Saturday, July 9, 2011

Two poems about what every woman should know.

My wife and I were travelling to a wedding in Texas, and during the journey had the opportunity for a long discussion about what women should know before treading the deep waters we call marriage.  When we stopped for lunch near our destination, I wrote this poem on the back of a receipt.

What Every Woman should Know

If a man treasures his money,
a woman can never have his heart.
If he is absorbed over his reputation,
She will never have his devotion.
When his toys and the boys are his pleasure,
she can never be entertained by him.
But if he values duty, honor and his word,
she will have these things all her days.

All of this reminded me of another poem I wrote long ago:

Two important questions 

The Philosophic question:
Is the self an empty shell,
in which are deposited,
all one’s sense experiences?

The Lovers’ question:
Is the “we” an empty love,
in which are deposited,
all our hopes, dreams, desires and needs?

In each case there is a door,
into which new may enter -
sense, hope, dream, desire or need,
so long as each one of us shall live.

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