Monday, July 4, 2011

Rights - An Independence Day Meditation

We often think we get our rights from Government.  Governments do not grant rights, rights belong to persons because they are persons; Governments grant privileges.   We, the people grant the Government its powers by our consent, not the other way around. Read the preamble to our Constitution.
Today we seem to equate freedom with the right to conduct business without government interference.  But that is a total misunderstanding brought about by a Neo-Conservative ideology. We think we can be the righteous policemen for the world.  We think we have an inalienable right to “spread democracy around the world”.  But is it Democracy or a Neo-Conservative Oligarchy.  We can best honor our forefathers by trying to understand the very principles they fought and died for-- “Individual Rights”.  I realize 9-11 changed everything, but should it, or more properly, ought it to have changed anything.  The greatest defense we have against tyranny and terrorists is our freedom, or should I say, our liberty. And some of us will inevitably die for that principle of Liberty, perhaps I will.   I don’t want anyone to seize and search my papers without cause and that does not mean just my financial records, as neo-conservatives would have it.  I don’t want to be required to be a witness against myself or my property seized without compensation which is just and for a just reason, not just so that someone can make a profit from my property.  It’s mine I don’t rent it from the government, I purchased it from the previous owner.   I don’t want my phone-calls or e-mails monitored or my thoughts scrutinized for heresy or because it disagrees with the prevailing political view. 
There is and ought to be no thought police. And most of all if the Constitution doesn’t specify a power of the Government I RESERVE IT FOR MYSELF.  (See amendment #9)
If we allow terrorists and terrorist actions like 9-11 to create a society of fear, we have allowed them to win.   As the disco group from Sweden ABBA said:
“My my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrender
Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way
The history book on the shelf
Is always repeating itself”
I know the song is about something else, but the beginning applies.  The tyranny we live under today from our fear of terrorists is nothing better than the tyranny my ancestors lived under in Holland under Napoleon.  They came to this country for economic betterment and the liberty of politics and their pietistic Religion.   I can best honor their memory by being against terror and tyranny.  “The only thing we really need to fear is fear itself.” –Franklin Roosevelt. 
You see:  I will not give up Liberty for Security, because there is more security in my liberty than there ever can be liberty in security.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” --Thomas Jefferson  (It’s written on his tombstone).
 My best efforts and my allegiance I swear to give to that principle which is the fundamental principle of the Enlightenment and Libertarianism.  I am “an End unto Myself”
So NOW you know where I stand. 
I stand for my liberty of thought!
I also stand for your Liberty to disagree. (YOUR Liberty of Thought)

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