Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Theology

My views are much more subtle than most, so bear with me by my attempt to say what I believe.

1) There is a God, and He created everything that is, out of nothing, id est no-thing.  God is and what His “is” is I cannot fully comprehend.
2) God does not exist, for to assert univocally that God exists is to limit Him and God is unlimited Being and Freedom.
3) God persists, resists, desists, insists and subsists, but does not exist. We can only say that God exists by analogy, since it is impossible for a limited entity to have perfect knowledge of the unlimited.
4) God is a person but not in the sense of a prosopon, but in the sense of a hypostasis, the two Greek words for Person.
5) The universe exists as a creation of God and God not only created and creates the world (the infinite vastness of it tells me this), but He imbues it with meaning. If the world and the universe just came about by accident, it would have no meaning and there would be no sense to speaking about cosmology or the universe, since it would have no meaning and hence be nothing and not an object of human thought.
6) God is worthy of worship, and how we choose to worship Him is immaterial to that worthiness. I can see God and feel His presence in a Catholic Mass, a Protestant service, a gathering of a Synagogue or a Hindu Temple and/or Shinto shrine.
7) When I climb up to the hills on a dark and clear night and examine the starry heavens above, I feel I am in the presence of God and feel His divine transcendence; when I look inward in times of trouble or when I have decisions to make, I feel God’s presence and I experience his immanence; This means that God is capable of hearing and answering prayer even though I may not like His answer.
8) Since God is the Raison d'être of all that exists, he is known not only by faith, but also by reason.  But my reason may be faulty.
9) God's commands are the source of all morality and that does not mean that what is right is what God commands, but merely that God commands what is right, these two things differ from one another. God's commands can be summarized in one word LOVE.
10) God is Love and those who do not know or cannot bring themselves to love, cannot know God.

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