Friday, July 15, 2011

The Moral Universe

I cannot take full credit for this idea, I am indebted for it to Erdős Pál (Paul Erdos) a Hungarian Mathematician - the most prolific mathematician ever.

It is often instructive to think of things negatively and then by transposition of sign realize something about the positive.

Suppose the universe is so constructed that we are playing a game with the SF, the Supreme Fascist. [no theological, political or philosophical notions about the nature of the SF are assumed]

The SF devised the game.

If we as individuals or collectively do something we ought not to have done, the SF gets 2 points.

If we as individuals or collectively fail to do something we ought to have done, the SF gets 1 point.

If we do something right either collectively or individually the SF gets 0 points.

The object of the game (and also the strategy we ought to maintain in playing the game) is to keep the SF score as low as possible.

Of course one should realize that the SF would not devise a game where it would be possible that the SF could lose.

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