Friday, August 17, 2012

I have discovered that:

If you believe Corporations are the paragons of virtue and take personal responsibility for their actions, and individuals are mostly irresponsible if they are given a chance, then you vote Republican.

If you believe that virtue can only apply to individual persons, and that the objective of corporations is profit and expedience, and members of corporations hide their liability for their actions in the fact that they are incorporated and therefore not personally responsible, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe workers don’t deserve the wages they are given, and “there sure as hell would be  a lot more money in business, if we didn’t have to pay people,” then you vote Republican.

If you believe that without your workers you wouldn’t be able to make profits, and the hard work the workers expend on your behalf is earned, therefore deserved, then you vote Democrat.

If labor and money are commodities like any other, then you vote Republican.

If all wealth stems from labor and without it you can achieve nothing, even natural resources involve labor to extract them, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe taxes are a burden on your bottom line and you get nothing or very little from them, then you vote Republican.

If you believe that the pleasures of wilderness, national parks are enjoyable and the highways to get to them, and to transport your goods to and fro are good for society, because without taxes you would not get to enjoy those things, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe a bridge ostensibly built to go to an airport is a bridge to nowhere, because you no longer wanted to pay for it, then you vote Republican.

If you believe that once a project such as a bridge is finished, it should be maintained and replaced after its life expectancy is over, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe that there are far too many people who abuse the social safety net (say 2 for every thousand or so), and it would be a good idea to seriously curtail the expenditures for such a safety net, then you vote Republican.

If you believe Government’s fundamental duty is to protect its citizens and one of those protections should be from economic exploitation, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe there is massive voter fraud and massive illegal immigration and these result in unemployment for Americans, then you vote Republican.

If you believe there should be free and open competition for goods and services and that includes jobs, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe that Business, Accounting, Engineering and Money and Banking are the only worthwhile subjects to study in college, because they enhance your business, then you vote Republican.

If you believe that the Liberal Arts (Arts and Sciences) are worthwhile pursuits in themselves and that they contribute to the overall health of society, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe that taxes are for little people and you should not pay taxes or at least a lot less taxes, then you vote Republican.

If you believe that taxes are the shared burden of any society and that the taxes for those more able to pay should be greater than those less able to pay, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe that Capital Gains should be tax free because they are a hedge against the devaluation of your money through inflation, then you vote Republican.

If you believe that unearned income should be taxed more than earned income, except for the safety net, that idle gain is less worthy than gain from work, then you vote Democrat.

If you believe purity of  ideological truth, is more important than empirical facts or logical argument, then you vote Republican.

If you believe that empirically verifiable facts and truths of logic may occasionally require you to change your belief system, then you vote Democrat.

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